Ebrahim Raisi

Ebrahim Raisi: A Profile and Details on His Death


Ebrahim Raisi, a significant figure in Iranian politics, left an indelible mark through his tenure as Iran’s President and his extensive career in the judiciary. His sudden death in May 2024 has sent ripples through the Iranian political landscape and beyond. This article delves into his life, political career, presidency, and the circumstances surrounding his tragic death.

Ebrahim Raisi
Ebrahim Raisi

Ebrahim Raisi Early Life and Education

Ebrahim Raisi was born on December 14, 1960, in the holy city of Mashhad, Iran. From a young age, he was immersed in religious studies, attending the Qom Seminary, one of the most prominent centers of Shia Islamic learning. His education there was rigorous, focusing on Islamic jurisprudence, philosophy, and ethics, shaping his conservative views and strict interpretation of Islamic law.

Ebrahim Raisi Judicial Career

Raisi’s judicial career began in earnest in the early 1980s, shortly after the Iranian Revolution. He quickly ascended the ranks, becoming the Deputy Prosecutor of Tehran. Over the years, he held various critical positions, including the Prosecutor General of Tehran, the First Deputy Head of the Judiciary, and the Attorney General of Iran.

His tenure in the judiciary was marked by his stringent approach to law enforcement and his role in high-profile cases. Raisi was a central figure in the infamous 1988 executions of political prisoners. This period remains highly controversial and is often cited by human rights organizations criticizing his human rights record.

Entry into Politics

In 2016, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed Raisi as the custodian of Astan Quds Razavi, a wealthy and influential charitable organization managing the Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad. This position amplified his influence within Iran and provided him with significant financial and political resources, paving the way for his entry into national politics.

Presidential Campaign and Victory

Ebrahim Raisi first ran for president in 2017 but was defeated by the incumbent, Hassan Rouhani. Undeterred, he ran again in the 2021 presidential election. This time, his campaign focused on combating corruption, reviving the economy, and asserting a more aggressive stance against the West, particularly the United States. His message resonated with many Iranians frustrated with economic hardships and corruption scandals.

Raisi won the 2021 election with a significant majority, signaling a shift towards more conservative policies. His presidency was expected to align closely with the Supreme Leader’s vision, emphasizing economic self-sufficiency, resistance to Western influence, and a strong stance on Iran’s nuclear program.

Ebrahim Raisi Presidency: Policies and Challenges

Several key initiatives and challenges marked Raisi’s presidency. Domestically, he focused on addressing economic woes exacerbated by international sanctions and mismanagement. He aimed to bolster local industries, reduce unemployment, and tackle inflation. However, his administration faced significant hurdles, including widespread public discontent, protests over economic conditions, and political repression.

On the international front, Raisi’s tenure was characterized by a hardline approach to the West. He was a staunch defender of Iran’s nuclear program, insisting on its peaceful intent while resisting Western pressures to curtail it. His administration negotiated with world powers to revive the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA), but these talks were fraught with complications and mutual distrust.

Ebrahim Raisi Death: A Tragic Turn

On May 19, 2024, Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash while en route to an official engagement. The crash also claimed the life of Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. The incident shocked the nation and prompted a swift response from the government and international community.

Initial investigations suggest that adverse weather conditions may have contributed to the crash, but a full investigation is ongoing to determine the precise cause. The sudden loss of two high-ranking officials has created a political vacuum and posed challenges for the Iranian leadership.

Immediate Aftermath and Succession

In the wake of Raisi’s death, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei appointed Vice President Mohammad Mokhber as the interim President, per Article 131 of the Iranian constitution. This article mandates that the Vice President assumes the President’s duties in the event of death or incapacitation until a new election can be held within 50 days.

Mokhber, with a background in economics and public administration, is expected to maintain stability and continuity during this transitional period. He will work closely with the heads of the legislative and judicial branches to ensure a smooth and orderly process leading up to the next presidential election.

International Reactions

The news of Raisi’s death prompted reactions from leaders and officials worldwide. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed condolences and highlighted the strong bilateral relations between South Africa and Iran. Other international leaders acknowledged Raisi’s role in Iran’s political and economic landscape and expressed concerns about the potential impact of his death on regional stability.

Raisi’s Legacy

Ebrahim Raisi leaves behind a complex legacy. To his supporters, he was a figure of integrity and dedication to Islamic values and national sovereignty. His efforts to combat corruption and his firm stance on Iran’s rights to its nuclear program were seen as essential steps toward strengthening the nation.

However, Raisi’s tenure and career were also marked by significant controversies. His involvement in the 1988 executions and his administration’s handling of protests and dissent drew sharp criticism from human rights organizations. These aspects of his legacy will continue to be debated and scrutinized.


Ebrahim Raisi’s death marks a pivotal moment in Iranian politics. As the nation prepares for the next presidential election, his legacy will undoubtedly influence the political discourse and Iran’s direction in the coming years. His presidency, characterized by stringent domestic policies and a defiant international stance, reflected the complexities and challenges of governing a country at the crossroads of tradition and modernity.

The world will watch closely as Iran navigates this transition, balancing the need for stability with the demands for reform and greater engagement with the international community. Raisi’s life and career serve as a testament to the intricate dynamics of Iranian politics and the enduring influence of its leaders on the global stage.

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